Aerocolor is a concentrated liquid acrylic with incredible adhesive and colour strength available in  36 brilliant Standard colours, 12 opaque TOTALCOVER colours, 9 transparent Candy colours, and 12 exceptional effect colours.

These intensely pigmented, highly lightfast colours mix easily to an unlimited number of shades, and can be for any liquid acrylic painting technique, including use with brush, refillable marker, airbrush, dip pen, and direct from the pipette.

Aerocolor is highly adhesive and can be used on almost any grease-free surface, including paper, canvas, plexiglass, metal, and a range of mediums allows work on difficult surfaces such as leather, silk, and wool.

The stable 28ml glass bottle has a pipette that measures accurately for colour mixing, and selected colours are also available in 250ml and 1000ml plastic containers.

Video more about Aerocolour: